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Monday 7 August 2017

Avengers Assemble (Season 2) Hindi Episodes. [720p]

Name : Marvel’s Avengers Assemble Season 2
Release Year : 2014
Quality : 360p/720p/1080p
Language : Hindi
Size : 70MB/270MB
Synopsis : With an all-star roster consisting of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Falcon and, occasionally–when she feels like it and only when she feels like it–Black Widow, the Avengers are a team in the truest sense. The Avengers save the world from the biggest threats imaginable–threats no single super hero could withstand

"Season 2 Episode List"
Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 26 - "Avengers World"
When Thanos and the Black Order attack Earth, they finally plan to take over the planet by destroying the Avengers. The Avengers discovers they are more than eight heroes....The Avengers are an ideal.
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Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 24 - "Avengers Underground" HD
The Avengers pull a surprise attack on the Squadron Supreme that not even Nighthawk is prepared for. In desperation as part of his contingency plan, Nighthawk has Hyperion absorb Nuke's powers and orders him to destroy the planet by blowing up its core.
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Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 23 - "Avengers' Last Stand"
Falcon tries to prove he can be a leader when the Squadron Supreme enacts their end game and kidnaps Captain America and Iron Man. Things become even more difficult when the Avengers discover the Squadron Supreme's last few plots were all part of an even bigger plan to revive their previously unknown sixth member named Nuke.
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Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 22 - "Midgard Crisis" 
Thor is convinced that Zarda wants to defect from Squadron Supreme, but Hulk knows better and must protect Thor from Zarda’s duplicitous ways.
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Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 21 - "Spectrums" 
During the battle, Spectrum uses his powers to manifest nightmarish versions of Ultron, Loki and Winter Soldier to attack Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America. Meanwhile, the others enter Hyperion’s sunken citadel to see what the Squadron Supreme are planning and they learn a shocking secret about Doctor Spectrum’s Power Prism: the Prism happens to be not only a power source and weapon, but also a living entity with full control over its host.
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Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 20 - "Terminal Velocity"
The Squadron Supreme’s fastest member Speed Demon is on the loose and wreaking havoc throughout Avengers Tower. Hulk must save the day by fighting the high velocity villain. Meanwhile, the other Avengers face off against Hyperion.
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Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 19 - "The New Guy"
Under Captain America’s suggestion, Hawkeye puts Ant-Man through an Avengers training course on Monster Isle to determine if he is cut out to be a member of the Avengers. Captain America, Hawkeye and Ant-Man are unaware that Red Skull and a small army of Mindless Ones are nearby planning to cloak himself from Thanos using Dormammu’s powers.
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Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 18 - "The Ultron Outbreak" 
The Avengers reunite when Captain America and Iron Man learn to appreciate their differences while trying to save the world from ultimate destruction at the hands of Ultron who uses a special nano-virus to turn Falcon into a carrier to convert all humans into Ultron Sentinels. As Ant-Man works on a cure for the nano-virus after Falcon is detained,
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Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 17 - "Secret Avengers"
Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, and Falcon (as Secret Avengers) discover that working for S.H.I.E.L.D. isn’t everything they hoped for when they’re expected to unquestionably follow orders in a dangerous situation involving Crimson Dynamo and the Winter Guard when Crimson Dynamo gets the key to a power source that is something the Avengers least suspect.
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Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 16 - "Small Time Heroes"
Following the destruction of Avengers Tower, the Avengers are divided into two different teams where Iron Man, Hawkeye and Thor have barely defeated Absorbing Man and Titania. Ant-Man helps Tony Stark repair his Iron Man armor and even helps his part of the Avengers when A.I.M. Agents steal the Pym Particles so that MODOK can use its powers to evade having his cybernetics taken over by Ultron.
Ep-16 Hindi Watch Online/Download

Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 15 - "Avengers Disassembled"
After Captain America leaves the Avengers following Iron Man withholding recent information about Ultron, Roxxon is attacked by a rebuilt Super-Adaptoid who is being controlled by Ultron.
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Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 14 - "Crack in the System"
With the body of Arsenal and the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in his possession, Ultron begins his murderous campaign against humanity by taking control of technology from Hammer Industries and A.I.M. In order to free Arsenal from Ultron's control, Iron Man works on a destroyer malware in order to deactivate Ultron.
 Ep-14 Hindi Watch Online/Download

Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 13 - "Thanos Triumphant"
With the power and might of all five Infinity Stones finally in his gauntlet, Thanos plans to wield his power over the Universe while the Avengers make a desperate attempt to stop him. 
Avengers vs Thanos vs Ultron Full Episode. 
 Ep-13 Hindi Watch Online/Download

 Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 12 - “Widow’s Run”
Black Widow and Thor work to carry out Black Widow’s plan to rid the Earth of the Infinity Gems upon Black Widow having a vision of Tony Stark using the Infinity Gems to become Emperor Stark and to dispose of them before Thanos returns to Earth.
 Ep-12 Hindi Watch Online/Download

Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 10 - "Back to the Learning Hall"
Thor is called into returning to Asgard as a guest to Asgard’s Hall of Learning for the Learning Games as Hulk and Hawkeye follow him. The visions of Loki lure Thor, Hulk and Hawkeye into the chambers of the Learning Games where failure is a one-way portal to Valhalla. Meanwhile, earthquakes occur on Earth as the result of Earth and Asgard being pulled towards each other by the Space Infinity Gem which is in Loki’s possession.
Ep-10 Hindi Watch Online/Download

Avenger's Assemble Season 2 Episode 9 - "The Dark Avengers"
In a flipped reality where superheroes are supervillains and vise versa, Iron Man gets a strange vision after battling the Squadron Supreme.
 Ep-9 Hindi Watch Online/Download

Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 7 - "The Age of Tony Stark"
When the Time Infinity Gem becomes attached to Tony Stark's arc reactor, it causes him to begin de-aging and brings dangers from other eras into present-day New York City.
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Avengers Assemble Hindi Season 2 Episode 3 - "Valhalla Can Wait"
Thanks to the tricks of Loki, Hulk and Thor are tricked into a battle and transported to Valhalla to find out who is the strongest once and for all.
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Avengers Assemble Season 2 Episode 1 - "The Arsenal"
When Red Skull comes crashing down to Earth with a fleet of alien ships chasing him, the Avengers learn there's a villain in their midst a thousand times more dangerous than the Cabal ever was by the name of Thanos.
 Ep-1 Hindi Watch Online/Download

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